Statistical Analysis










Receive high-quality statistical consulting services, from Alpha StatConsult LLC based in Damascus, MD.  Providing statistical consulting services to science and research in the biological, clinical, psychological and environmental fields for government and private sector research. Subject matter expertise in statistical methods make insurmountable tasks possible to overcome. We specialize in SAS® design for both traditional and novel analytical approaches to deliver maximum information from your data. Our statistical consulting services are tailored to your business, your challenges, and your people.




Congratulations to SIGA Technologies for the favorable outcome of Advisory Committee in unanimous support for TPOXX, treatment for Smallpox virus.  Alpha StatConsult President, Dr. Nicola Richardson-Harman, was honored to be the statistical responder on the SIGA panel.


Recent publications and meetings:

McGowan I, Brand RM, Engstrom JC, Siegel A, Myerski A, Jacobson C, Marzinke MA, Hendrix CW, 4Alex Reinhart, Steytler J, Dezzutti CS, Richardson-Harman N, Spiegel HML, Cranston R, and the CHARM-03 team. (2018). The Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Oral and Topical Maraviroc: The CHARM-03 Study. CROI Boston MA March 4-7, 2018.

 Cranston RD, Regueiro M,Hashash, J, Baker RJ, Richardson-Harman, N,  Janocko L & McGowan I. (2017) A Pilot Study of the Prevalence of Anal Human Papillomavirus and Dysplasia in a Cohort of Patients With IBD. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 60: 12, 1307-1313.

 Thurman, A. R., Yousefieh, N., Chandra, N., Kimble, T., Asin, S., Rollenhagen, C., Anderson, S. M., Herold, B. C., Freiermuth, J. L., Starkman, B. S., Mesquita, P. M. M., Richardson-Harman, N., Cunningham, T., Hillier, S., Rabe, L., Schwartz, J. L., & Doncel, G. F. (2017). Comparison of Mucosal Markers of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Susceptibility in Healthy Premenopausal Versus Postmenopausal Women. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses, 33(8), 807-819.

Free Statistical Analyses Applications:


Power Analysis for Animal Research

Alpha StatConsult LLC * 25822 Bowman Acres Lane * Damascus, Maryland 20872