Dr. Nicola Richardson-Harman founder and President of Alpha StatConsult LLC


Alpha StatConsult LLC has clients all over the United States, primarily serving the Washington DC region (Maryland, Northern Virginia, and D.C.). We provide a variety of statistical services for government and private sector research. We are a statistical resource for scientists. We take pride in offering the best statistical consulting services. We are dedicated to serving the needs of our customers each and every day.

List of publications

About Dr. Nicola Richardson-Harman

A specialist in SAS®, Nicola has recently been providing statistical consulting expertise to the NIH and USAMRIID in support of critical medical research. Nicola Richardson-Harman graduated from the University of Hertfordshire UK (B.Sc. Hons Psychology) in 1998 and the University of Birmingham (Ph.D. Statistical Methods in Psychology) in 1992.  Dr. Richardson-Harman worked as a senior scientific officer (1991-1994) at Reading University (UK) and as a senior scientist (1995-1998) at HortResearch Auckland (NZ) applying a variety of statistical methods to the analysis of research data on biological, chemical and psychological measurements related to nutrition.  Dr Richardson-Harman was a program leader for the New Zealand Foundation for Research Science and Technology (1997-98) and became a research consultant specializing in statistical methods and analyses in 1998.  Dr. Richardson-Harman has, for the past seven years, provided statistical services to support NIH, NIAID and DOD contracts. Dr Richardson-Harman founded Alpha StatConsult LLC., a Maryland based statistical consulting company in 2008.  Alpha StatConsult LLC services include determinations of: (i) ELISA assay endpoints; (ii) microbicide efficacy/toxicity; (iii) inter-laboratory reproducibility of in vitro and ex vivo assays and application of bio-statistical methods to the design and analysis of immunogenicity and bio-defense studies for a variety of pathogens and vaccines.  Dr. Richardson-Harman has provided the statistical analysis for over 35 manuscripts published in peer-reviewed scientific journals along with numerous conference abstracts and confidential statistical reports.  Dr. Richardson-Harman’s area of expertise is in the application and development of bio-statistical methods for pre-clinical and clinical research projects including the determination of biological endpoints, measurements of assay performance, meta-analyses, drug efficacy and immunogenicity and statistical tests of treatment effects in both GLP and non-GLP studies. In addition, Nicola is a licensed psychologist in the state of Maryland and has performed statistical analyses for research in the fields psychology, market research, sensory science and public perceptions of environmental issues.